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Product Code ED2467
Product Name: NUTRITION
Category: Dr Norsyamlina Che Abdul Rahim
Star Rating: 4 Star
Printable: NO
Original Price: S$ 6.00
After Discount: S$ 3.00
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The busy and stressful schedules of classes, projects, and other activities have had a significant effect on students' quality of life, particularly in terms of diet and lifestyle. Lack of awareness, expertise, and excitement are two things that contribute to the difficulties of maintaining a balanced diet. The lack of affordable and healthy food options contributes to unhealthy eating habits. As a result, a lot of young individuals may go from being of normal weight to being overweight, which greatly increases their risk that they will become unhealthy in the long run. To inspire these young people to take charge of their nutritional habits and help create healthier communities, it is important to raise awareness of the importance of this

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