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Thalassemia and Haemoglobinopathy Made Easy: Theory, Clinical Aspects & Lab Investigations 1

Product Code ED2394
Product Name: Thalassemia and Haemoglobinopathy Made Easy: Theory, Clinical Aspects & Lab Investigations 1
Category: Dato Dr Azizon Othman
Star Rating: Not Available
Printable: NO
Original Price: S$ 12.00
After Discount: S$ 6.00
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Thalassemia and Haemoglobinopathy Made Easy: Theory, Clinical Aspects & Lab Investigations 1

This book covers thalassemia and haemoglobinopathy - the theory, clinical aspects and laboratory results. Part one. This book is written in a simple and concise form, yet quite encompassing on this topic. This will help newcomers as well as individuals interested in the subject to internalise the information better. This book will help them memorise the facts much easier.

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