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Unleashing Your Creativity for A More Fulfilling Life and a Rosier Future - Book 1

Product Code ED2005
Product Name: Unleashing Your Creativity for A More Fulfilling Life and a Rosier Future - Book 1
Category: DR YKK
Star Rating: Not Available
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Original Price: S$ 9.00
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Unleashing Your Creativity for A More Fulfilling Life and a Rosier Future - Book 1

Blurb for Book 1
By reading this Book 1 from cover to cover, you will discover the Greatest Secret to Creativity. This is the secret which, when revealed to you, will instantly make you into a Creative Person.

It provides proofs that all of us can be creative at will and gives us facts to strengthen our beliefs and self-confidence to unleash our in-born creativity. You will understand that we are all born creative and contrary to common belief, non-creative behaviour is learned. This book enables you to unlearn this creative behaviour and reclaim your creative birth-right.

You will also discover that happiness, a zest for life, energy, along with sexual drive, are all qualities of those who embrace creativity.

This Book 1: Discover the Greatest Secret About Creativity – Begin the Journey to Transform Your Life is the 1st of a series of 5 books, expanded and improved from Dr.YKK’s original best-seller “You Are Creative – Let Your Creativity Bloom”.

The entire series has been re-titled as “Unleashing Your Creativity for A More Fulfilling Life and a Rosier Future.”

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