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Unleashing Your Creativity for A More Fulfilling Life and a Rosier Future - Book 4

Product Code ED2002
Product Name: Unleashing Your Creativity for A More Fulfilling Life and a Rosier Future - Book 4
Category: DR YKK
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Original Price: S$ 9.00
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Unleashing Your Creativity for A More Fulfilling Life and a Rosier Future - Book 4

Blurb for Book 4

This Book 4: Opening the Windows of Your Creativity - Embracing the Vision of Your Future
is 4th of the 5-part series brings you practical tips on how you could unleash your creativity. Your life will be more interesting and exciting as you will be a great person to talk to for ideas.

With creativity you will also develop self-confidence, health and joyful living. Most important, as the bestselling author Daniel Pink, says in his book “A Whole New Mind”, your mind will be armed and prepared to excel in the right-brain dominant world!

This Book4: Opening the Windows of Your Creativity - Embracing the Vision of Your Future is the 4th of a series of 5 books, expanded and improved from Dr.YKK’s original best-seller “You Are Creative – Let Your Creativity Bloom”.

The entire series has been re-titled as “Unleashing Your Creativity for A More Fulfilling Life and a Rosier Future.”

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