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Passed PhD With No Correction Part 4

Product Code EA3556
Product Name: Passed PhD With No Correction Part 4
Category: AAA Author
Star Rating: Not Available
Printable: NO
Original Price: S$ 15.00
After Discount: S$ 6.75
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Passed PhD With No Correction Part 4

Embarking on a PhD journey is a remarkable adventure, filled with challenges, triumphs, and invaluable lessons. This book encapsulates the essence of that journey, highlighting the key moments, the motivators, and the unsung heroes who made it unforged table. Each chapter takes you through pivotal experiences that shaped the journey, from "The Moments of Triumph," where unexpected miracles and significant milestones paved the way to success, to "My Motivator," where wake-up calls and an unwavering sense of purpose drove progress forward. This e-book also shines a light on the priceless contributions of "My Unsung Hero" and the steadfast support system that ensured I was never alone on this path. These reflections are more than just stories—they are lessons that helped me reach my goal: graduating on time, with no corrections. Therefore, this book is dedicated to everyone pursuing their own academic dreams. May these experiences inspire you to persevere, embrace challenges, and celebrate each victory, no matter how small.

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