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Write for Profit

Product Code EA2768
Product Name: Write for Profit
Category: Jean Perera
Star Rating: Not Available
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Original Price: S$ 12.00
After Discount: S$ 7.20
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Write for Profit

“Write for Profit” was specially designed for academic and business writing under the banner of the S.H.A.R.P.E.N series of 7 effective training modules. Effective writing skills for student assignments and examinations and business documents can be mastered with a facilitator or independently by any learner as the learning outcomes are self-contained under the parameters of: S- Structure H- Hospitality A- Accuracy R- Resolution P- Persuasive Power E- Essentials of Style N- Non-Verbal Connotations The principles of writing embodied in the acronym S.H.A.R.P.E.N provide a strong and basic foundation that can be used for any form of writing and reduces the risk of impending “writer’s block”. The writing mechanics imparted can be used across the board and for years to come. The more you write using the guidelines, the more adept you become at writing informational and promotional documents/articles.

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