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Astral Worship

Product Code EA2576
Product Name: Astral Worship
Category: GSS Astrology
Star Rating: Not Available
Printable: NO
Original Price: S$ 10.50
After Discount: S$ 5.25
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Astral Worship

This is an interesting little book tracing the history of Astrology, Paganism, and Christianity. Chapters include: The Geocentric System Of Nature; The Sacred Numbers 7 And 12; The Twelve Thousand Year Cycle; The Ancient Triad; The Ancient Cosmogony; Fall And Redemption Of Man; Incarnations Of God Sol; Fable Of The Twelve Labors; Anniversaries Of Solar Worship; Personifications Of The Divisions Of Time; Zodiacal Symbols Of Solar Worship; Freemasonry And Druidism, and more.

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